«Fair without but foul within!» We evaluate candidates without tests and a Lie Detectors (aka Polygraph)!

Ecral analysis

Everything is energy and energy is in everything

The first impression about a person is formed within a few seconds of the meeting.
By relying on feelings and sensitivity - intuition, the ecral analyst creates an opinion that becomes the basis for the personal evaluation. Such a method significantly minimizes the likelihood of an error in personal analysis or deliberate misleading by the counterparty.

Ecral analysis  is a logical and analytical method of identifying the emotional structure of a person.

Ecral analysis is a non-verbal technique of psychological diagnostics.

Successful ecral analysis assumes:

  • Intuition, or phrased scientifically - the anticipation, is the ability to receive information that is inaccessible to the sensitivity organs, a holistic image where  the details are not a priority and are considered  unconsciously. In day-to-day life people call an intuition as the sixth sense.
  • Empathy is an increased sensitivity of a person, which makes it possible to understand and evaluate the counterparty, to feel his needs and goals.
  • Experience and practice - "Know yourself, and You'll know others." 


The first impression about a person is formed within a few seconds of the meeting. Most people do not rely on feelings and sensitivity, rather draw their conclusions based on logic and analysis of the 5 human senses, with the predominant influence being on visual characteristics. Such an analytical approach can easy lead to a mistake or to a risk of being deliberately deceived by the counterparty.

Physiognomy - is an area of knowledge that compiles a psychological portrait of a person and indicates the character, mental and personal qualities – both innate and acquired over life, health based on physiological properties of the body. It pays special attention to the facial features, including the facial expressions and gestures. In the modern interpretation Physiognomy – is psychodiagnostics based on the appearance of a person.
Phrenology is an addition to physiognomy. It studies the correlation of the human psyche with the structure of the skull.

Despite the lack of official recognition in the scientific community, this "science" has existed for as many millennia as the subject of its study -a human. The main controversy and doubt come from the lack of detailed research in this field, although for centuries some "enthusiasts" (philosophers, doctors, alchemists, esotericists, politicians) wrote many works that describe the relationship between the inner world of man (the soul) and his appearance. The most famous researchers are Aristotle, Pythagoras, Avicenna, Hippocrates, Paracelsus, Lafayette, Leonardo da Vinci, Cesare Lombroso, A.F. Losev et al.

Today physiognomy is strongly linked with psychology and is an effective and reliable way to confirm or decline the peculiarities of the psycho-emotional portrait of a person.

Human physiognomic screening has become a powerful auxiliary tool for  professional HR managers. Along with the classic methods of interviewing and testing, this technique allows one to draw a deeper conclusion about the interviewed candidate and to make the right decision.


Profiling is a fairly new area of ​​the applied psychology, founded by UCLA psychology professor Paul Ekman. The term “profiling” came into use in 1967. Profiling studies and analyses are verbal and non-verbal signs of human behavior to detect lies without the use of special devices and tests, such as a lie detector (polygraph).
Initially, the method was used in forensics and was adopted by the US and Israeli state security services.

Today, the term "profiling" has become much broader, and includes the use of psychological tools to analyze the reliability of information reported by a person, its correspondence to non-verbal behavior (gestures, facial expressions, microexpressions).

The scope of profiling tools is constantly expanding. In fact, they can be applied in any area of our life where there is an interaction between two or more people.

Profiling methods are used in such areas as:

  • business of any sphere of activity and scale. Nowadays the crime activities in the business sector are becoming much more diverse. To deal with business frauds, a separate direction appeared, which so called "business profiling";
  • various issues related to security, both public and private;
  • the medicine;
  • politics;
  • a separate area in profiling is a HR profiling.  This is an applied area that helps in the candidates recruitment, identifies personal risk factors of an employee, develops personnel management based on a psychological profile.

In any area where personal profiling is applied, the effectiveness of this methodology depends on the qualifications and experience of the profiler (verifier), his ability to analyze verbal and non-verbal signals during the communication. Such specialists are invited to participate in business negotiations, internal business investigations, they also usually conduct recruiting interviews. The profiler draws up a psychological portrait of the counterparty, indicates his intrinsic attitudes to the subject of the conversation and defines the reliability of the information provided.


Anthropology is a universal science about a human, his physical and mental organization, social activity and culture.

The first known observations about the culture and traditions of different people have started to be collected and systematized by ancient writers such as Herodotus, Strabo, Gaius Julius Caesar, Tacitus. Their works were extended by travelers, sailors and missionaries of the Middle Ages. Nowadays scientific anthropological research is continued in modern scientific centers and institutes around the world: in Germany, France, the USA, Russia, China, Japan and others.

In day-to-day practice of personal verification, an important role is played by the physical (biological) anthropology, which studies:

  • features and characteristics of races, nations, ethnic groups;
  • the dynamics of the physiological processes of the individual;
  • human constitution - individual characteristics of the psyche and functional systems associated with the body type  structure.


Bioenergy (vibes, aura, human energy fiel etc.) is a method of body-oriented psychodiagnostics. It concentrates on the mental rather than on the physical body of a person.

Vibrations indicators may specify the strengths and weaknesses of the personality, physical and intellectual potential, the state of mental and physical health.

The key role is played by the integrity of the biofield, the colors and the dynamics of field vibrations.

  1. Thoughts are the source of emotions and desires, they directly affect the human energy field.
  2. People's thoughts about each other, depending on their strength, also affect their field structures.
  3. A person's actions are just a consequence of his internal intentions and beliefs and therefore they can be predicted.