About us
Useful Group is the team of professional analysts with extensive practical experience in providing a complete psycho-emotional personal evaluation.
Useful Group provides services in psychological assessment, behavior prediction, psycho-emotional personality profiling, business profiling, personnel profiling, personal verification and individual training services.
We help business owners and executives make consistent business decisions and evaluate strategic and tactical behavioral risks in recruiting, partnerships and cooperation.
How do we work
The approach that we apply for the personal evaluation allows us to carry out the unnoticed assessment during the communication or remotely based on photo, video and audio materials with the analyzed person.
Therefore a person is analyzed either remotely or in person, without the use of classical psychological tests and lie detector test (polygraph)!
We use the following methods and tools in our work:
- ecral analysis
- innate intuition
- psychology, physiognomy and anthropology
- profiling
The deepest immersion into a person and the interaction of several Useful Group specialists ensures that the key characteristics impacting the formation of personal, family, business patterns of human behavior are identified.
In our work we are guided by the high confidentiality standards and professionalism.

Philosophical remark
The difference between the standard logical reasoning and psychological analysis is identical to the difference between the PC of the mid-90s and the Supercomputers of 2022.
The only problem is that not a single Supercomputer (including the AI) can handle the psycho-emotional analysis of such a complex energy entity - as HUMAN.
Today the world is changing rapidly where people are the source, the matter and the ultimate goal of these changes.
The new reality requires new approaches, new solutions, as well as a new ways of thinking.